email-diff-ex algorithm

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This is example code, hacked out rather quickly. Not ready for production use.

You need to create three directories if they are not present: uploads/ downloads/ and processed/ This can be done on the commandline as follows ($ denotes command prompt):

$ mkdir uploads downloads processed

The structure of the project

Documentation on the code is in the jsdoc folder. If you’ve never used jsdoc before, all you need do is drag the index.html file from that folder into your browser. From that document you can browse both the api, and the code.

Tests not many of them, just some smoke checks on the algorithm, but NOTA BENE: running the tests will wipe the contents of both the /processed and /download directories.

From the command line (symbolized as $ here):

$ npm test

Will run the scant mocha tests

$ npm run cover

Will run Istanbul

To RUN from the command line in the main (root) project directory (represented again, as $):

``` $ node app.js ``